Muffin Top

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A muffin top can seriously hamper wardrobe choices. When extra weight collects around your middle, spilling over your waistband, those low-rise jeans are no longer a flattering option. This “spare tire” can creep up slowly and is challenging to get rid of, even with cardio training and a clean diet. Hormonal changes, physical inactivity and stress can all contribute to the dreaded belly overhang. If you’re wondering how to get rid of muffin top spillage safely and without surgery, DMH Aesthetics is Los Angeles’ clinic of choice for non-invasive body contouring.

When healthful eating and exercise are not helping you lose muffin top bulges, CoolSculpting may be the perfect solution. This revolutionary device freezes away stubborn muffin top fat, for a slimmer, more defined tummy. As a general rule, if your belly fat is pinch-able, it is freezable, meaning you are just a few short weeks from the figure you want. As Los Angeles’ first CoolSculpting provider, we stand behind this groundbreaking and life-changing technology.

Shrink your waistline – and belly girth – with the newest generation of muffin top treatments at DMH Aesthetics. Get incredible results with zero downtime! Call us today to learn more or set up a private consultation in our beautiful LA clinic.